三文魚大骨湯 Salmon Bone Broth
代餐 + 補充品
Furry Kitchen 的三文魚大骨湯, 含生物可用高的礦物質:碘,鈣,鎂,磷,矽和硫,更含多種明膠,有豐富的親水性,有助滋養消化道,並改善食物的吸收度。尤其對犬類糖尿病,IBS和腸道相關健康問題有益。對貓隻也是最好的補充品之一。
充滿了嫩肉的頭,下顎,眼窩,腮板和臉頰,讓魚油釋放。 魚骨頭,腦,軟骨和脂肪營養豐富,含有最高標準的維生素A,Omega 3 脂肪酸,鐵,鋅和鈣。
阿拉斯加三文魚, 海藻, 紅菜頭, 黃薑
65ml each shot
用加熱後3天內飲完, 期間需要放雪櫃, 飲的時候必須要倒出來, 不要讓口水沾到湯中
整盒放到熱水中, 溶解便可以直接飲用。 如果希望更暖一點,先倒到碗中再蒸熱也可
Nutrient-Rich Salmon Bone Broth: Meal Replacement + Supplement
Elevate your pet's health with our Salmon Bone Broth, packed with bioavailable minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. This nourishing broth contains gelatin that supports digestive health, making it especially beneficial for dogs and cats with canine diabetes, IBS, and other gut-related issues.
Sourced from Quality Ingredients: Enjoy grilled Alaskan salmon, including heads rich in tender meat, brains, cartilage, and fat, delivering high levels of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and calcium. We prioritize safety by excluding high-mercury ingredients like shark, orange roughy, swordfish, and tuna.
Key Ingredients:
Alaskan Salmon
Storage and Usage:
Store in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Once reheated, consume within 3 days.
Separate unused broth into another container to prevent contamination.
Feeding Guidelines:
For dogs: 1 ounce per 10 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For cats: 1 ounce per 6 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For pets with renal or hepatic issues, reduce the portion to half and eliminate processed foods and carbohydrates from their diet.
Treat your pets to a wholesome meal replacement and supplement that promotes optimal health!
代餐 + 補充品
Furry Kitchen 的三文魚大骨湯, 含生物可用高的礦物質:碘,鈣,鎂,磷,矽和硫,更含多種明膠,有豐富的親水性,有助滋養消化道,並改善食物的吸收度。尤其對犬類糖尿病,IBS和腸道相關健康問題有益。對貓隻也是最好的補充品之一。
充滿了嫩肉的頭,下顎,眼窩,腮板和臉頰,讓魚油釋放。 魚骨頭,腦,軟骨和脂肪營養豐富,含有最高標準的維生素A,Omega 3 脂肪酸,鐵,鋅和鈣。
阿拉斯加三文魚, 海藻, 紅菜頭, 黃薑
65ml each shot
用加熱後3天內飲完, 期間需要放雪櫃, 飲的時候必須要倒出來, 不要讓口水沾到湯中
整盒放到熱水中, 溶解便可以直接飲用。 如果希望更暖一點,先倒到碗中再蒸熱也可
Nutrient-Rich Salmon Bone Broth: Meal Replacement + Supplement
Elevate your pet's health with our Salmon Bone Broth, packed with bioavailable minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. This nourishing broth contains gelatin that supports digestive health, making it especially beneficial for dogs and cats with canine diabetes, IBS, and other gut-related issues.
Sourced from Quality Ingredients: Enjoy grilled Alaskan salmon, including heads rich in tender meat, brains, cartilage, and fat, delivering high levels of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and calcium. We prioritize safety by excluding high-mercury ingredients like shark, orange roughy, swordfish, and tuna.
Key Ingredients:
Alaskan Salmon
Storage and Usage:
Store in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Once reheated, consume within 3 days.
Separate unused broth into another container to prevent contamination.
Feeding Guidelines:
For dogs: 1 ounce per 10 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For cats: 1 ounce per 6 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For pets with renal or hepatic issues, reduce the portion to half and eliminate processed foods and carbohydrates from their diet.
Treat your pets to a wholesome meal replacement and supplement that promotes optimal health!
三文魚大骨湯 Salmon Bone Broth
代餐 + 補充品
Furry Kitchen 的三文魚大骨湯, 含生物可用高的礦物質:碘,鈣,鎂,磷,矽和硫,更含多種明膠,有豐富的親水性,有助滋養消化道,並改善食物的吸收度。尤其對犬類糖尿病,IBS和腸道相關健康問題有益。對貓隻也是最好的補充品之一。
充滿了嫩肉的頭,下顎,眼窩,腮板和臉頰,讓魚油釋放。 魚骨頭,腦,軟骨和脂肪營養豐富,含有最高標準的維生素A,Omega 3 脂肪酸,鐵,鋅和鈣。
阿拉斯加三文魚, 海藻, 紅菜頭, 黃薑
65ml each shot
用加熱後3天內飲完, 期間需要放雪櫃, 飲的時候必須要倒出來, 不要讓口水沾到湯中
整盒放到熱水中, 溶解便可以直接飲用。 如果希望更暖一點,先倒到碗中再蒸熱也可
Nutrient-Rich Salmon Bone Broth: Meal Replacement + Supplement
Elevate your pet's health with our Salmon Bone Broth, packed with bioavailable minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. This nourishing broth contains gelatin that supports digestive health, making it especially beneficial for dogs and cats with canine diabetes, IBS, and other gut-related issues.
Sourced from Quality Ingredients: Enjoy grilled Alaskan salmon, including heads rich in tender meat, brains, cartilage, and fat, delivering high levels of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and calcium. We prioritize safety by excluding high-mercury ingredients like shark, orange roughy, swordfish, and tuna.
Key Ingredients:
Alaskan Salmon
Storage and Usage:
Store in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Once reheated, consume within 3 days.
Separate unused broth into another container to prevent contamination.
Feeding Guidelines:
For dogs: 1 ounce per 10 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For cats: 1 ounce per 6 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For pets with renal or hepatic issues, reduce the portion to half and eliminate processed foods and carbohydrates from their diet.
Treat your pets to a wholesome meal replacement and supplement that promotes optimal health!
代餐 + 補充品
Furry Kitchen 的三文魚大骨湯, 含生物可用高的礦物質:碘,鈣,鎂,磷,矽和硫,更含多種明膠,有豐富的親水性,有助滋養消化道,並改善食物的吸收度。尤其對犬類糖尿病,IBS和腸道相關健康問題有益。對貓隻也是最好的補充品之一。
充滿了嫩肉的頭,下顎,眼窩,腮板和臉頰,讓魚油釋放。 魚骨頭,腦,軟骨和脂肪營養豐富,含有最高標準的維生素A,Omega 3 脂肪酸,鐵,鋅和鈣。
阿拉斯加三文魚, 海藻, 紅菜頭, 黃薑
65ml each shot
用加熱後3天內飲完, 期間需要放雪櫃, 飲的時候必須要倒出來, 不要讓口水沾到湯中
整盒放到熱水中, 溶解便可以直接飲用。 如果希望更暖一點,先倒到碗中再蒸熱也可
Nutrient-Rich Salmon Bone Broth: Meal Replacement + Supplement
Elevate your pet's health with our Salmon Bone Broth, packed with bioavailable minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. This nourishing broth contains gelatin that supports digestive health, making it especially beneficial for dogs and cats with canine diabetes, IBS, and other gut-related issues.
Sourced from Quality Ingredients: Enjoy grilled Alaskan salmon, including heads rich in tender meat, brains, cartilage, and fat, delivering high levels of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and calcium. We prioritize safety by excluding high-mercury ingredients like shark, orange roughy, swordfish, and tuna.
Key Ingredients:
Alaskan Salmon
Storage and Usage:
Store in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Once reheated, consume within 3 days.
Separate unused broth into another container to prevent contamination.
Feeding Guidelines:
For dogs: 1 ounce per 10 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For cats: 1 ounce per 6 pounds, 2-3 times per week.
For pets with renal or hepatic issues, reduce the portion to half and eliminate processed foods and carbohydrates from their diet.
Treat your pets to a wholesome meal replacement and supplement that promotes optimal health!

朋友介紹Furry Kitchen嘅訂製餐,因家中狗狗有癌症, 病情會隨著季節,治療,藥物有所改變,餐單都必須要持續調整。我欣賞佢地係可以度身訂製,每次調整,都要報告狗狗的體重,肚圍和大肶圍作記錄,並唔係好似出面一個‘’ 癌症配方‘’,就所有貓狗都合適,咁樣我就可以放心。癌症增加咗照顧狗狗嘅難度,確保佢繼續進食有彈藥打怪獸係好重要,而且食嘢係最直接簡單嘅快樂,都希望佢保持到。Furry Kitchen每次調整訂製餐,唔會悶又能夠配合佢嘅病情同藥物,我好開心亦可以好放心。

Thank you Furry Kitchen! My newly adopted dog is having skin allergies and was overweight. Starting Furry Kitchen food three weeks and seeing huge improvement! Love the prompt reply for all your help Furry Kitchen

I highly recommend Furry Kitchen for all parents. They produce incredibly good quality and tasty food that my fussy furry girl (Poodle ) loves (which is not easy). They always care my feeling when I'm stress of my girl's diet, appetite and nutrition. My girl has been eating Furry Kitchen's meal for 4 years, she is turning to 13 this year, she is looking great and healthy living.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Furry Kitchen for producing such a good quality of food and being so caring.

