Furry Kitchen 的使命是什麼? What’s the mission of Furry Kitchen?
Furry Kitchen 的使命是透過全面高質的配方飲食,提高毛孩和主人的生活質素,從而令毛孩更健康長壽。Furry Kitchen’s goal is to increase the quality and length of life of dogs through a whole food diet.
購買以後最快何時送到? How long does it take for my order to arrive?
兩日至到一星期就送到。新鮮高質素食材是我們最在乎的,新鮮食材送到廚房均馬上製作,達到新鮮的最高標準。It takes 2 days – a week for your order to be delivered. Freshness is one of the most important factors we care about, every ingredient arrives to our facility daily and every meal is as well made daily in order to fit our quality standard.
吃了Furry Kitchen的鮮食以後,會有些什麼變化? What are the changes will I see in my dog being on Furry Kitchen’s diet?
Usually within weeks, you will see positive changes below:
- Soft, shiny coat
- Well formed stool with little odor
- Little dog scent / odor
- Better muscle tone
- Brighter and clearer eyes
- Higher energy and focus levels
小狗小貓要轉食多久才能完全轉過來? How long will it take my dog /cat to transition completely to the Fresh dog food diet?
每一位毛孩情況都不同, 越年輕越容易適應新的膳食。一般四至十日就可以。 我們需要有耐性, 特別是第一次接觸無添加鮮食的毛孩。 Every fur baby is different in this matter, the younger they are the easier they would adapt to the new diet, in general it takes 4 – 10 days. Please be patient, especially with fur babies that are introduced to this all-natural, chemical-free diet the first time.
轉食期間,我的毛孩會感到不適嗎? Will my fur baby experience discomfort during the transition?
一開始經歷排毒期的時候, 身體有足夠的水份把多餘的廢物排出, 便量會增多, 有軟便也是正常的反應。 Think of this as a detox with preservative-free diet, some dogs with more sensitive stomachs might experience loose stool, which is normal.
為什麼不吃生呢? Why cooked food but not raw?
各種有關營養、高級食材品質管理,和每一個配方營養檔案的科學研究,新鮮輕煮的膳食均得到最高分數,是最佳的選擇。Furry Kitchen make our nutrition decision based on quality control of premium ingredients, scientific research of nutrients profiles of our meals, and it is clear to us that freshly prepared, slightly cooked fresh dog food is the best option to fit our mission on offering the best dog food.
對乾糧的看法? What about kibbles?
我們很清楚,和乾糧比較,新鮮的餐食質素更高和更易消化。 大量的研究更加指出 新鮮 肉類比起乾糧更易消化。 研究更顯示,熟的肉類蛋白比起乾糧更易消化吸收。 We know that fresh dog food is better in quality and easier to digest compared to kibbles. Recent studies even support that meat is better digest whole food diets than kibble, Scientists also found that cooked diet has significantly easier to digest for proteins than kibble.
When my dog seems to want more food, should I give him more? 我的小狗看起來吃不夠,我應該多給他一點食物嗎?
It is perfectly normal that your dog might want to have some more in the beginning of trying a new diet, especially our delicious fresh dog food! You should follow the suggested feeding guideline, and adjust according to its activity level. Its weight should be stable, if it begins to lose or gain weight, and then simply adjust the feeing amount accordingly. Always arrange regular body check with your vet to ensure he is being well taken care of. 一開始轉食過來的小狗,吃極都不夠是十分正常的,由其是我們的餐食真的十分可口!你需要跟隨餵飼指引,根據活躍程度,年齡去決定是否作出調整,需要觀察體重是否穩定,也不要忘記帶毛孩定時到診所身體檢查,然後和我們溝通,就更能夠了解小朋友的需要。
So, how long does it last? 可以放多久呢?
When stored in the freezer in it’s original package, the quality and freshness of our fresh meals can be maintained for three month.
We strongly suggest you to serve the fresh meal only during feeding time, and always keep the fresh meals in the freezer. 一般未開封的時候,放到冰箱大約都可以保存三個月。我們強烈建議你只在餵飼的之前溶解餐包,並且保存在雪櫃當中, 以保持最高新鮮度。
How can you balance a diet if you are not a big dry dog-feed global organization? 你們不是環球跨國乾糧企業,如何為毛孩提供均衡的膳食?
Most of the time we have convinced ourselves, even in vet schools that balancing a diet is rocket science and that there is no way that we can make it happen in a kitchen. It is true that the measurement of nutrients have to be precise, we definitely need to be working with the vet and canine nutritionist for that. The reality is if you are working with whole fresh food, with canine nutritionists and vets, you do not need an extra team of doctors with PHD to balance a diet. Unless you are working with bad quality meat by-products with chemical stabilizers, colors of all kinds, then a team of scientists is needed. 絕大部分的時候,我們也說服自己,尤其是在獸醫學校,要做到膳食均衡,就像做火箭一樣,絕對不可能在廚房發生。 沒錯,要知道養份比例,確實是需要正確的量度,這點必須要和獸醫和動物營養師合作。 事實上,只要用最高質的人級食材,配合獸醫和動物營養師嘅指引, 提供均衡的膳食,並不需要另外有醫生和博士團隊。 除非食材原料是一些 肉類副產品, 化學品,防腐劑,色素等等,就絕對需要科學家團隊了。
Why starting Furry Kitchen? 為何成立Furry Kitchen ?
About 18 years ago we started to look at the ingredients in dog feed and canned food, and we stopped feeding our dogs dog food again. The laws and regulations allow food processors to put nutshells (poisonous to dogs) and all the kind of inedible things in to the dog feed and called it vegetable fiber or plant products …etc nice terminologies, there are also sort of astonishing facts that are scary to owners when you look at the ingredient list. We work with vets and canine nutritionists to work out a balance diet that are made with high quality human grade meats and vegetables, included certified organic ingredients just like what we eat, formulating it to suit Dogs’ needs, for example a suitable volume of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate and magnesium…etc, a balanced fresh dog food diet is much more bio-available for dog’s digestion system to process and to transform in to energy that is much better than any other diet available. 早在大約18年前,我們留意到乾糧罐頭的包裝之後, 就已經在沒有給自己毛孩餵飼這些產品了。 很多寵物食品製造商, 合法地把不能吃的,非食物類的,甚至對動物有毒的原材料放到食品當中, 冠以植物纖維等動聽的 用詞, 如果仔細看成份表,還有很多其他驚人的隱藏事實。 我們透過和獸醫和動物營養師合作,得到均衡的飲食配方,然後用最高品質的人級食材, 包括了我們食用的認證的有機食材, 令到膳食能夠滿足貓狗的營養需要, 例如:有足夠的蓋酸,鈣質和鎂等等, 一個營養均衡的膳食,生化可用度為最高,最易消化而最能成功轉化成能量。
Missing Items? Not happy with your orders? 少了貨品,對訂單不滿意?
When this happens, please contact us or report your missing item(s) within 7 days of your package delivery date.
Please provide a clear photo of your packing slip (located inside your package) if there is an missing item.